COP28: African Group of Negotiators on climate change meets in Zambia

The African Group of Negotiators on climate change (AGN) held its first preparatory meeting on April 12, 2023, to discuss key issues ahead of COP28. This comes after a call to action after a series of climatic catastrophes, including the ongoing floods in the East African region, drought, and cyclones in Malawi and Mozambique. The issue of climate finance was touched upon, considering Africa’s lack of resources to fight global warming..

The need to adapt to current climatic conditions was highly emphasized, considering the cost of surviving the changes. Zambia Ministry of Green Economy and Environment Permanent Secretary, Johnson Msimuko, referenced the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, “Africa will need up to $86.5 billion for adaptation alone by 2030. Yet Africa only contributes approximately 4% to the global greenhouse gas emissions.” Still, on finances, developed nations owning a financial pledge of over $100 billion are urged to fulfill their promise to help the continent deal with climate change. 

Sec. Johnson also pointed out the need for Africa to adapt to a low-carbon economy. Also considered was the importance of ensuring that vulnerable communities and any existing inequalities are not left behind, or unsolved during the switch. The AGN demanded actions such as re-skilling and capacity building initiatives to assist workers and communities impacted by the switch to renewable energy.

To top it all, the negotiators had a chance to strategize on the plan and their expectations for the upcoming sessions of COP28 later in December. They also got to revisit accomplishments from issues raised in the COP27 edition. Nonetheless, the recent meeting focused on the importance of the Global Stocktake taking an equitable strategy. It was suggested that the latter seize the inherent bias for mitigation at the cost of adaptation.

The meeting held in Zambia was, therefore, a success, able to address key issues regarding adaptation to climate in the continent. Necessary parties like the UN got addressed, especially concerning climate finance. As we await the upcoming COP28, it is upon respective nations to continue adapting to renewable-energy sources.

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