AFDB president, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina has stated that Africa loses between $7bn-$15bn annually because of climate change. True to that, the continent has in the last 5 years had a series of climatic calamities, with various nations facing the worst of the situation.
Adesina stated this during a media meeting in Nairobi, in the 60th AFDB anniversary meeting. He further stated that the situation could get worse, to $40bn yearly loss by 2030. This is regardless of Africa only emitting 3% of the globe’s collective pollution.
The AFDB president also insisted that Africa faces a lack of adequate climate mitigation actions, and increased global warming risks the lives of future generations.
He called upon any aid for respective mitigation measures, especially from the youth looking to join the clean energy sector. Funding can be outsourced for such projects thus helping the continent gradually develop to a sustainable environment.
Malawi’s drought and Zimbabwean state of emergency due to the same were heavily mentioned in the event. Others included Mozambique which is grappling with devastating floods, while others like Kenya are just recovering from arguably the worst flash floods ever experienced.
Therefore, nations should gear for more preventive measures like large scale adaptation of clean energy. This includes more investment in the renewable energy sector. Various projects like solar powered irrigation schemes can help increase energy and food production.
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