To sort out the ongoing South African blackouts, Eskom on 30th December reconnected the Koeberg nuclear power plant, to add 930 MW capacity to the grid. This is following a prolonged strategic maintenance program that’ll see the plant consistently operate for the next 20 years.
The maintenance involved the replacement of three steam generators, structural inspections, and a refuelling process. The changes will be crucial for the ever-changing power consumption needs, especially for industrial demands and critical infrastructure requirements.
Koeberg nuclear plant’s revival comes at the right time to replace the reduced reliance on coal for energy. As a low-carbon source, the strategy is a definite plan to improve the country’s energy infrastructure.
True to that, reviving the plant will increase the power production to 2,500 MW by March 2025. This means that the plant’s output accounts for South Africa’s 5% of energy production.
Furthermore, the revival of the Koeberg nuclear power source is a boost for South Africa’s competitiveness in foreign markets. For long, the country has struggled to manage its economy due to insufficient power supply, leading to the collapse or decline of major economic initiatives.
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