• Aspire

    African Climate Council aspires to become a credible resource on Climate Diplomacy and intersessional issues in Africa.

  • Influence

    Influence digital initiatives of climate NGOs in the climate diplomacy space and build coordinated campaigns to drive policy change.

  • Dominate

    African Climate Council Messages dominate digital conversations around climate diplomacy, climate science and related discourses to influence and shape policy change.

About Us

The African climate council is a communications and policy think tank shaping a climate narrative in Africa and amplifying African voices in the global climate change discourse.

What We Do


Monitoring implementation of key outcomes of Climate and Biodiversity COPs i.e. financing.



Boost momentum Educate on Climate issues - leverage digital technologies to break down climate issues through citizen science.


Drive and shape policy narratives through advocacy and campaigns at national, regional and global moments.

News Articles


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